
The Men Who Built the Liners

11:39 AM

The BBC has been reshowing a programme about Clyde Shipbuilding on BBC Four this week.
The Men Who Built the Liners is available to view on iplayer.  The programme is about:

Many of the most famous passenger liners in history were built in the British Isles, several in the shipyards along the banks of the Clyde. This series combines personal accounts and archive footage to evoke a vivid picture of the unique culture that grew up in the Clyde shipyards. Despite some of the harshest working conditions in industrial history and dire industrial relations, it was here that the Queen Mary, the Queen Elizabeth and the QE2 were built. Such was the Clyde shipbuilders' pride in their work, and the strength of public support, that in 1971 they were able to defy a government attempt to close them down and win the right to carry on shipbuilding.
It is available to watch on iplayer until Tuesday 17th January.

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