
Friday photo - Wemyss Bay Pier

Something a little different for this week's Friday photo. A great image of Wemyss Bay Pier featuring the following paddle steamers: Largs built by Wingate & Co, Whiteinch, 1864 Lancelot built by Robert Duncan & Co, Port Glasgow, 1868 Lady Gertrude built by Blackwood & Gordon, Port Glasgow, 1872.  Argyle built by Barclay, Curle & Co, 1866. ...

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Friday photo - Windsor Castle

More images from the paddle steamer album have been added by our Project Scotland volunteeer this week to Flickr. Including this one of the Windsor Castle built by Caird & Co, Greenock, circa 1860. Edit: Apparently the Caird & Co ship was built in 1859 and sank in 1860; since we have another photo of this ship dated 1889 (though we don't know...

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Friday photo - Victoria

Between 1834 and 1961, there were 23 Clyde-built ships which were given the name Victoria; nine of these were paddle steamers. This is one of them. I believe this is the 1886 Victoria, built by Blackwood and Gordon, of Paisley and Port Glasgow. This Victoria went on fire on 17th September, 1893, while lying at the Broomielaw in Glasgow. The fire-brigade had to...

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