
Update from the Archivist

4:38 PM

So, I forgot to put a photo up on Friday but there was a reason.  David Powell the BACS Surveying Officer and I were putting the final touches to a National Strategy for Business Archives in Scotland before it goes out to consultation.  More information about the strategy is on the Business Archives Scotland blog.  It explains why we are developing a strategy and how we've been going about it.

I also haven't talked about my trip to Calais and all the new ideas I came back with.  I think that deserves a separate post though.

My final piece of news is that the EAD files that the Archivist's Toolkit produces as xml outputs was successfully imported by the NAS into their database.  This is great news as it means that we can produce electronic finding aids that can with a little bit of tweaking be imported into the NAS's system and hopefully that of others.  It should mean no more paper lists and no more cutting and pasting for our colleagues when we complete a collection.  Most importantly, it means that collections processed by us are more accessible for users via online databases more quickly.

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