
Doors Open Day 2012

5:28 PM

Plans: a 'before' and 'after'
This Sunday saw our second year of taking part in the Renfrewshire Doors Open Days programme.

We focused this year on explaining the different stages of what we do with collections and had a series of themed displays based on the following stages:
  1. Rescue/desposit
  2. Processing
  3. Return
  4. Access
  5. Use
We had 44 visitors in total and were delighted to welcome lots of new faces and people with an interest in Johnstone's industrial past in particular as we had some items on display from Clifton & Baird Ltd, machine tool manufacturers established in Johnstone since 1908.

We tried to get across the different uses of business archives by a variety of user groups such as model makers, artists, businesses, family and local historians.
Use of business archives by model makers

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