The Working Archive

5:09 PM

The Working Archive is a year-long archive awareness campaign for Scotland that launched today.  I've been working for the last couple of months with the SCA and other members of the National Strategy implementation group team to plan for this and create the website.

The campaign is being officially championed by the Scottish Council on Archives, to support the ongoing National Strategy for Business Archives in Scotland, the campaign aims to encourage archives, their users and the public at large to celebrate the unique stories behind individual Scottish businesses; the records of products that were produced or manufactured in Scotland and exported around the world; and the archival legacy of working Scots of all kinds - whether in business, farming, healthcare, education, the church or government.

The Working Archive campaign will celebrate the people behind the records - whether the workers and staff of businesses, the communities within which businesses are based or trade or the archivists and curators who work to preserve these records today.

At the Ballast Trust we see some great examples of working archives and from our own small collections we've create this flickr set and also contributed some of these images to the gallery.

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