
Friday photo - things they don't teach you in archive school...

4:56 PM

.. how to identify a 20 year old font so you can use it in a new logo for publicity materials.

A bit of a random Friday photo post today but a view into parts of the promotion and publicity side of things here at the Ballast Trust.

It was suggested recently that we think about simplifying our existing logo which I had created in 2009 using wordle without a great deal of thought except to make something that looks nice.

The font that wordle used was coolvetica and while I like it, it seemed like a good opportunity to try to take a considered approach to what font we're using.  So at the moment, me and a volunteer are trying to identify the font used by Bill for his quarrying business's stationery:

There are several handy services for identifying fonts, my favourite is what the font.  Which on my first run gave me 8 potential matches to investigate.

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